Search Textile Chemistry.


Feb 3, 2013

Silver Based Anti-Microbial Finish

Anti-Microbial Finish

Undergarments/Socks possess huge potential for this special finish. Buying houses and marketers like Mark & Spencer have done projects in past like “Undercover Agents” anti-microbial treatment on Underwear and “Fresh Feet” athletics socks which remains Fresh and Bacteria free for longer period.. Huge potential for this finish is still unexposed and will be shown up as awareness and Know how about working and advantages increases.
Microorganisms are life-forms of microscopic size (ca. 10-8 to 10-6 m), such as bacteria, fungi.Bacteria especially lead to body odor due to bacterial degradation of perspiration infection and illness

Microorganisms require certain conditions to exist, such as food, temperature, moisture and large surface areas. Hence, textiles worn, such as underwear, socks and are ideal for microorganisms.

Human Sweat
Sweat contains mainly water. It also contains minerals, lactate, and urea. Mineral composition varies with the individual; An indication of the minerals content is sodium (0.9 gram/liter), potassium (0.2 g/l), calcium (0.015 g/l), magnesium (0.0013 g/l). Source: www.
Chemically saying Human perspiration/Sweat should not be smelly

Sweat by itself does not have much of an odor. Most of the smell is caused by bacteria which live on the skin and in clothing. These bacteria use the sweat for growing themselves. On average bacteria can double their numbers after every 10Minutes. Damped environment provides favorable medium for microorganisms growth.
We can find two kinds of anti-microbial finsh available in market. Silver and Non Silver Based Anti-Microbial.

Silver Based Anti-Microbial Finish
From old days silver has been successfully used as a Sterilizing agent. In the past silver coins were placed in vessels to preserve milk. Today the inside of refrigerators is made of silver-containing coatings to avoid buildup of bacteria resultantly fresh food for longer period.
In the food sector silver is used as an additive, e.g. for sweet coatings or decorating chocolates.

Jan 23, 2013

Steam boilers for textile:

Steam boilers for textile:

Textile industry is suffering from energy crisis specially Gas, Low pressure and high demand among residence in winter causes complete breakdown. So, it’s high requirement to shift on alternate energy resources e.g. Coal. Country is very rich with its coal reserves and it can serve for quite long. In this post we will discuss possible energy alternates for textile industry, Economical aspect (Costing), Merits and demerits involved. Major focus is on costing to evaluate efficiency of different energy resources.
Industry utilizes different kind of boilers with varying pressure and of different capacities as per unit requirement.

Coal is being burnt down to provide heat Energy for boiler

Case Study:

Let’s assume a boiler working at pressure 5Bar and producing steam of Two Tons per hour. Efficiency of this boiler is approx. 80%.
What would be cost of producing 2Tons of steam per hour on Natural Gas, Coal and Furnace Oil?
Our solution to this scenario is a simple formula which says:

Efficiency(n) =   Output      Quantityof Steam(Qs)     X             Energy in Steam(hf)
                          Input       Qt of Fuel (Qf) X Gross Cal. Val. (GCV) X Sp. Gravity of fuel

Omitting Specific Gravity of fuels to simplify and Shifting variables of formula from here to there and vice versa. So, that Final shape becomes.

Qf =       Qs           X             hf
                GCV       X             n

So, Here what these are

Qf = Quantity of fuel needed to produce 2Tons steam per hour at 5 Bar
Qs = Qunatity of steam. This is fixed value 2000Kg per hour
Hf = Enthalpy of evaporation which is Fix Value taken from Steam table,2757KJ/Kg of Steam.(Means One Kilogram of steam has this much energy at Pressure 5 Bar)
GCV = Gross caloric value, Different for each combustible material.
N = Efficiency of Boiler, Fixed quantity taken as 80%, we will put 0.8 in formula.

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